I was born and raised in Michigan (Go Blue!). I have four amazing nephews and two wonderful nieces. Outside of philosophy and teaching, I enjoy traveling, watching zombie movies and series, hiking, and strength training. I love taking care of my sweet cat, Birdie. |
Areas of specialization: History of Science, History of Philosophy
Areas of competence: Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Bioethics Academic Experience and Leadership 2024 - present Lecturer, Technical University Berlin (full time) 2024 - present Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials 2021 – 2024 Postdoctoral Scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Berlin, Germany 2023–2024 Spokesperson, Max Planck Society PostdocNet 04/2021 – 2024 Guest Lecturer, Technical University Berlin, Germany 2022–2023 Financial Officer, Max Planck Society PostdocNet 08/2020 – 01/2021 Guest Faculty, Bard College Berlin, Germany 08 – 11/2020 Lorenz-Bausch Fellow, Leopoldina National Academy of Science Halle (Saale), Germany 10/2018 – 03/2019 Instructor, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Education 2021 Dr. des. Philosophy (magna cum laude) Grade: 1.0 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich, Germany) Thesis: Albert the Great on the Human Path to Perfection Committee: Peter Adamson (director), Jörn Müller (second reader) 2016 M.A. Philosophy (summa cum laude) Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI) 2013 M.A. Theology (summa cum laude) Sacred Heart Major Seminary (Detroit, MI) 2011 B.A. Philosophy (summa cum laude), Sacred Heart Major Seminary (Detroit, MI) Publications Article: "Losing Foreignness: Johann Sigismund Elsholtz on the Meaning of Plants in the Pleasure Gardens of Berlin." Notes and Records 2024 (published online) https://doi.org/10.1098/rsnr.2023.0068 Article: Katja Krause with Tracy Wietecha, “Wissenschaft und Erfahrung: Wissenschaftsgeschichte neu geschrieben,” Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2023, published 25 June 2024 https://www.mpg.de/22043972/mpiwg_jb_2023?c=11707747 Book Chapter with Katja Krause “Albert the Great on Negative-Mystical Theology as the Summit of Science,” in Oxford Handbook of Apophatic Theology. Oxford University Press (in press) Article: "The Natural Desire of Human Beings for Beatitude: Thomas Aquinas on the Ultimate End of Human Beings," Credo Magazine 13.3 (2022). Article (peer-reviewed journal): “Albert the Great’s Ethical Commentaries and Al-Farabi’s De Intellectu.” In Homo – Natura – Mundus: Human Beings and their Relationships. Proceedings to XIV SIEPM International Congress, ed. Roberto Hofmeister Pich. Brepols, 2020 Article (peer-reviewed journal): “On Method in Reading the De ente et essentia.” International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2016): 155-170 Review: Documenti e studi tradizione filosofica medievale XXX (2019): Volume dedicato interamente a Alberto il Grande. Brill. In Early Science and Medicine 26.4 (2021): 383-386 Review: Maria Jesus Soto-Bruna, ed. Causality and Resemblance: Medieval Approaches to the Explanation of Nature. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2018. In Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27.2 (2020): 222-226 Review: David Sanderlin, Ph.D. The Christian Way to be Happily Married. San Diego, CA: Christian Starlight Press, 2010. Homiletics and Pastoral Review. 29 October 2014 Review: James F. Quigley, O.P. Living Well: Homilies/Meditations on the Virtues. Rome: Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2012. Homiletics and Pastoral Review. 7 April 2014 Forthcoming Publications Manuscript on Albert the Great's Ethics Edited Volume: Eds. Tracy Wietecha and Katja Krause, "Experiencing New Natures: Leopoldina Scientists in Colonial Contexts,” Special Issue Prologue: "Rethinking Colonial Historiographies through the Lens of the Leopoldina’s Science" Book Chapter: "Neither Good nor Bad: Moral Neutrality in Albert the Great’s Philosophy and Homiletic Teaching." Article: "Epistemic Translation: Encountering New Medicinal Remedies and Indigenous Epistemes." Forthcoming Presentations “The City as A Mirror of Virtue: The Influence of Averroes on Albert the Great’s Conception of Virtue,” Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Conference, Oxford University, 29–31 May 2025 Select Presentations Invited Speaker: Glimpses of the Invisible: Visualizing the Principles of Nature Before the Rise of Modernity Workshop, Cordoba, Spain and Messina, Italy Workshop 28–29 November 2024 “Albert the Great on Negative-Mystical Theology as the Summit of Science,” DFG conference “The Invention of German Mysticism,” Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia, Italy, 7–9 October 2024 “Research on Albert the Great,” Aquinas and the Arabs International Working Group Mentoring Symposium, 19 October 2023 “Albert the Great on Negative-Mystical Theology as the Epitome of Science,” Symposium on Aquinas’ Exposition of the Divine Names, Circle of Dionysius, 7 October 2023 "Knowledge Migration and a Failed Botany: The Role of Non-Scientists in the Collection of American Botanical Specimens in the Late Eighteenth Century." "Migration – Innovation: 1500 to the Present,” Symposium between the MPIWG and Northumbria University New Castle, UK Research an Innovation, Berlin, Germany, 29 September 2024 “In Search of New Worlds: How German Scientists Encountered the Latin Americas,” Colloquium Series, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany, 6 June 2023 “Becoming a Moral Subject: civilitas in Albert the Great’s Ethical Commentaries,” Albert the Great on the Human Being: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 28-29 April 2023 “The Social and Epistemic Makings of a Scientist in Seventeenth-Century Germany,” 10th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Brussels, Belgium. 7-10 September 2022 “Radical Thinking about Ethics? Albert the Great on the Relationship between Ethics and Metaphysics,” SIEPM International Congress for Medieval Philosophy, Paris, France. 22-26 August 2022 “New Plants in Old Spaces: American materia medica in German Lustgärten and Botanical Gardens,” Renaissance Society of America. Dublin, Ireland. 30 March – 3 April 2022 “Audire et Judicare: Albert the Great on the Proper Listener of the Science of Ethics,” APA Central. Chicago, IL. 23-26 February 2022 “Intellectual Perfection in Albert the Great’s Ethica.” Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Working Conference. Online. 2 June 2021 “Reception of Knowledge from the ‘New World’ by Early Members of the Leopoldina,” Max Planck Institute Working Group Research Colloquium, Commentator: Jacob Schmutz, University of Paris-Sorbonne, 20 May 2021 “German Scientists, their Observationes, and Institutional Ties to the ‘New World’ in the Seventeenth Century.” Forschungskolloquium. Leopoldina Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, Halle (Saale), Germany. 4 November 2020 “German Scientists, their Observationes, and Institutional Ties to the New World in the Seventeenth Century,” Leopoldina Board of Directors, Halle, Germany. 30 September 2020 “German Scientists, their Observationes, and Institutional Ties to the New World in the Seventeenth Century.” 9th European Society for the History of Science Conference. Bologna, Italy. 31 August – 3 September 2020 Introduction to my Research Project: “German Scientists, their Observationes, and Institutional Ties to the New World in the Seventeenth Century,” Leopoldina Freundeskreis, Halle, Germany. 17 August 2020 “Perfectio in Albert the Great’s Ethica,” Lunch Colloquium for Research Group Krause “Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Body and Soul,” MPIWG, Berlin, Germany. 4 June 2020 Presentation on Wilhelm Dilthey and Ernst Mach, Historical Epistemology Reading Group, Max Planck Institute Working Group, Berlin, Germany, 27 May 2020 “Virtus civilitatis in Albert’s Ethical Commentaries.” Konferenz des Albertus-Magnus-Instituts zu politischen/ethischen Überlegungen des Mittelalters. Bonn, Germany. 11 October 2019 “Is the Peasant a Defective Human Being? Albert the Great on Human Potential for Virtue.” Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Conference. University of Pisa, Italy. 22-25 May 2019 “Can the Non-Civic Person be Happy? Averroes and Albert the Great on Dispositions.” Ludwig Maximilians Universität Münchens—Cambridge University Workshop on Ancient Philosophy. Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 25-26 May 2018 “Can the Non-Political Person be Happy? Averroes and Albert the Great on Dispositions and Virtue.” Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Working Group, Graduate Student Online Workshop. Moderator and Organizer: Richard C. Taylor. 23-24 March 2018 “Fostering Philosophical Discourse: The Dominican Order and Albert the Great’s Super Ethica and Ethica.” International Society for the Study of Medieval Philosophy (SIEPM), Porto Alegre, Brazil. 24-28 July 2017 “The Dominican Order and Albert the Great’s Super Ethica and Ethica.” Humboldt University Ancient Philosophy Graduate Workshop. Berlin, Germany. 19-20 February 2018 “On Method in Reading the De ente et essentia: An Analysis of Joseph Owens, John Wippel and R.E. Houser.” American Catholic Philosophical Association Conference. Washington, D.C. 9-12 October 2014 “On Method in Reading the De ente et essentia.” Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Marquette University. Milwaukee, WI. 29 August 2014 “On Method in Reading the De ente et essentia.” Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Working Group, Graduate Student Online Workshop. Moderator and Organizer: Richard C. Taylor. March 2014 Service (selected) 2024 - present: Board Member, ICoRSA 2024 - present: Advisory Board, Planck Academy 2024 - present: WissZeitVG Working Group Leader 2023 - 2024: Spokesperson, Max Planck Society PostdocNet 9 October 2023: Science Policy Panel Moderator, “Conducting Good Science,” with Panelists Helmholtz President Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler, MPG President Emeritus Prof. Dr. Martin Stratmann, Prof. Dr. Katja Krause, Jun. Prof. Dr. Amrei Bahr, Dr. Anneke Heins, and, Simon Pschorr. General Meeting of the MPG PostdocNet, MPI for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany 2022 - 2023: Financial Officer, Max Planck Society PostdocNet Steering Group 2021 – 2024: Postdoctoral Fellows’ Representative: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany. 2022 - 2023: Organizer and Moderator: Research Colloquium ’22-’23 for Katja Krause’s Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany 2021 - 2022: Workshop Organizer: “Experiencing Nature through Old and New Epistemes Around the Globe.” Collaborative workshop between MPIWG and Leopoldina Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, hosted in Halle (Saale), Germany, 28-29 November 2022 2022: General Meeting Working Group, Postdoc Network of the Max Planck Society 2022: Coordinator and Moderator: Summer Colloquium 2022 for Katja Krause’s Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany 2022: Evaluate article for Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, on Latin American colonialism 2021 – 2022: Reading Group Co-Organizer with Katja Krause, Julia Reed, and Hannah Erlwein: “Premodern Experience and a Modified Historical Epistemology,” six sessions, April 2022 – July 2022 2020: Organizer: Presentation by Emeritus Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger: “Historical Epistemology and Experimental Systems,” MPIWG, Berlin, Germany. 30 September 2020 2020: Organizer: Historical Epistemology Reading Group, MPIWG, Berlin, Germany, seven sessions, May – September 2020 2014 – 15: Co-Chair: Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Working Group, Marquette University Student Chapter. Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University and KU Leuven), Project Director. January 2014 – August 2015 2015: Graduate Student Organizer: Aquinas and the ‘Arabs’ International Working Group, Graduate Student Online Workshop, Marquette University, 20-21 February 2015 Funding 2020: Johann-Lorenz-Bausch Fellowship at the Leopoldina Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, sponsored by the Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e.V., Halle, Germany. Funding: 4 months 2019-2020: Predoctoral Fellowship: Max Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Funding: 6 months 2016 – 20: PhD Scholarship Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin, Germany. Funding: 4 years 2015 – 16: Scholarship for foreign language studies from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung for Goethe Institute, Mannheim, Germany. Funding: 6 months 2013 – 15: Scholarship for graduate studies at Marquette University. Funding: 2 years 2012: Catholic Education Scholarship, Rochester, NY for ActiLingua Academy, Vienna, Austria. Funding: 3 months 2011 – 13: Fisherman’s Fund (tuition scholarship), Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI Awards and Grants 2022: Travel Grant, Brepols-SIEPM Stipend for SIEPM World Congress in Paris, France (500 EUR) 2020: Johann-Lorenz-Bausch-Förderpreis, Leopoldina Akademie Freundeskreis e.V., Halle, Germany (5,000 EUR) 2019: Travel Grant, conference paper, University of Pisa, Italy 2018: Travel Grant, workshop paper, Cambridge University, UK 2018: Travel Grant, workshop paper, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 2017: Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Grant, US Department of Education ($8,000) 2015: Relocation Grant (US to Germany travel expenses), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 2015: Travel Grant, graduate seminar, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, Italy, Grant through Lumen Christi Institute, Chicago, IL ($700) 2014: Travel Grant, conference paper, American Catholic Philosophical Association, Washington, D.C. U 2012 – 13: Catechetical Leaders Grant (tuition grant), Archdiocese of Detroit, MI 2011: Award, “Who’s Who” of American Catholic University Students 2010: Catholic Leadership Award, Madonna University, Livonia, MI ($4,000) 2009: Rheumatoid Arthritis Family Scholarship Award, UCB Biopharmaceutical Company, Brussels, Belgium ($10,000) Research Visits 08/2020 - 11/2020: Lorenz-Bausch Fellow, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung, National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Halle, Germany. Research Project: "German Scientists, their Observationes, and Institutional Ties to the Latin Americas in the Seventeenth Century." 10/2019 – 07/2020: Visiting Predoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute Working Group, Berlin, Germany. Research Project: “The Role of the Senses in Albert the Great’s Doctrine of Noetic Development” 07/2018 – 08/2019: Visiting Doctoral Fellow, Albertus Magnus Institute, Bonn, Germany. Dissertation work: "Albert the Great on the Human Path to Perfection" |